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Kamis, 19 April 2012

Pidato Singkat anak sekolah Berbahasa Inggris


Ladies and gentlemen, do you remember the first time you saw magic? Well, when I was a little kid, my kindergarten teacher showed me a trick. That was when I first watched magic. She did this:(performing) "Hey kids, look at this handkerchief. I push this blue handkerchief into my hand, and watch. It's gone! But if you say a magic word, 'abracadabra', you can make it reappear!" I couldn't believe my eyes. And this experience inspired me to start learning magic. Today, however, instead of taking you to the mysterious world of magic, I'd like to discuss how the fantasy of magic can create a more pleasant life.

Now, what is your response when you see a trick like this? Through my experience as a magician, I've found that there are mainly two different types of reactions when people see magic. Let me explain. Download selengkapnya ====>>> disini

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